Miniature Aged Furniture: Chair & Stool

Aged Chair & Stool


You will need:

Miniature Chrysnbon Chair, unfinished (plastic)
Miniature Kitchen Stool, unfinished (plastic)
Buttermilk  Acrylic Paint or your choice of color
Raw Umber, Burnt Umber, Green Umber and Avocado Acrylic Paint
Fan Paint Brush
Paper Towels
Matte Sealer

Project Instructions

      1. Paint the chair & stool with Buttermilk Acrylic paint or in your choice of color.  The stool will not take stain, and will need two coats of paint.  Set aside to dry.
      2. To simulate dirt and wear, dry brush the kitchen stool with some or all of the following paint colors (your preference): Raw Umber, Burnt Umber, Green Umber, Avocado.  I normally squirt a dime-sized amount of each color in a plastic cup, and take turns with each color using a fan brush.  Dip your brush into the paint, then wipe off most of it on a paper towel.  Then, lightly and quickly brush on the stool until you are pleased with the results.  Remember you can always add more, but it’s hard to take off!  Set aside to dry.
      3. Make a paint “wash” with Burnt Umber paint and water.  Paint this all over the kitchen stool and potting bench.  Set both aside to dry.
      4. Spray both with Matte Sealer.  Set aside to dry.


Copyright 2011 Kathryn Depew

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